Free Read Warmaidens by Kelly Coon (Goodreads Author) - EDF
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Warmaidens is the dark action-packed conclusion to the heartwrenching Gravemaidens fantasy duology. Kammani and the maidens are now going to war against the ruler who tried to entomb them.In the refuge city-state of Manzazu Kammani has built a thriving healing practice and a life shes proud of with her siblings the maidens and her love Dagan. But when an assassinWarmaidens is the dark action-packed conclusion to the heartwrenching Gravemaidens fantasy duology. Kammani and the maidens are now going to war against the ruler who tried to entomb them.In the refuge city-state of Manzazu Kammani has built a thriving healing practice and a life shes proud of with her siblings the maidens and her love Dagan. But when an assassin murders a healer he believes is Kammani and attempts to kill Arwia the displaced queen of Alu they realize theyre not safe in their safe little haven anymore. Uruku the usurper to Alus throne has found out they escaped the tomb and must kill them to protect his newly acquired power.Burning for retribution the ruler of Manzazu wants to unleash her fiercest weapons on Alu?her warmaidens. But when Kammanis best friend Iltani is captured Kammani must use her intuition and her heart to restore Arwia to the throne before the life shes built?and a future with Dagan?burn up in the flames of war.(less)
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