Free Download The Brandon Men: In the Shadow of Kings by Sarah Bryson (Goodreads Author) - UIO
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Four generations of Brandon men lived and served six English Kings the most famous being Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk best friend and brother-in-law to King Henry VIII. Yet his family had a long history that ties so closely to the kings of the Wars of the Roses back to Henry VI. Charles Brandon's father Sir William Brandon joined the Tudor claimant and becameFour generations of Brandon men lived and served six English Kings the most famous being Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk best friend and brother-in-law to King Henry VIII. Yet his family had a long history that ties so closely to the kings of the Wars of the Roses back to Henry VI. Charles Brandon's father Sir William Brandon joined the Tudor claimant and became standard bearer for Henry Tudor dying at the Battle of Bosworth. Charles' uncle Sir Thomas Brandon held the position of Henry VII's Master of the Horse one of the three highest positions within the court. Charles Brandon's grandfather had ties with Henry VI Edward IV and Richard III.These men held important offices made great sacrifices walked the fine line between being loyal courtiers and traitors and even gave their lives all in the name of loyalty to the king they served. No more shall the Brandon name be an obscure reference in archives. It is time for them to emerge from the shadows of history.(less)
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