Free Download Iron Heart by Nina Varela (Goodreads Author) - IUY
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An unstoppable love between two girls?one human one Made?both set on destroying the Iron Heart.For too long the cruel beautiful Automae have lorded over the kingdom of Rabu oppressing the humans who live there. But the human revolution is on the riseand at its heart is Ayla. Once handmaiden now fugitive Ayla escaped the palace of Lady Crier the girl Ayla had plannedAn unstoppable love between two girls?one human one Made?both set on destroying the Iron Heart.For too long the cruel beautiful Automae have lorded over the kingdom of Rabu oppressing the humans who live there. But the human revolution is on the riseand at its heart is Ayla. Once handmaiden now fugitive Ayla escaped the palace of Lady Crier the girl Ayla had planned to kill . . . but instead fell in love with.Now Ayla has pledged her allegiance to QueenJunn whom she believes can accomplish theultimate goalof the human rebellion: destroy the Iron Heart. Without it theAutomaewill be weakened to the point of extinction.But playing at Aylas memory are the powerful feelings she developed for Crier. And unbeknownst to her Crier has also fled the palace taking up among travelling rebels determined to find and protect Ayla.As their paths collide neither are prepared for the dark secret underlying the Iron Heart.In this stunning sequel to acclaimed author Nina VarelasCriers War the love that launched a revolution must now pave the way for a whole new era . . . and the ultimate change of heart.(less)
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